Java is a great programming language, however 'traditional' Java isn't so great to work with when it comes to modern, Cloud Native development. Quarkus is a (fairly) new Java stack that addresses issues such as the typical slow startup time and rather large memory usage that hinder the adoption of Java in container and/or Serverless workloads. Quarkus is not just useful for optimizing resource usage though. There is also a big focus on improving the developer experience. Come to this session to learn hands-on how to build Java applications with ease and joy using Quarkus; work with Dev Services to develop with external dependencies such as databases or Kafka clusters; and containerize and deploy applications to a (provided) Kubernetes cloud sandbox environment. A little bit of basic knowledge of Java is helpful for this session, but no further familiarity with Quarkus, Kubernetes, containers or Kafka is required. After this session, the audience should come away with inspiration to build modern Cloud Native applications with Java and Quarkus, and have fun doing so!

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Kevin is a software engineer, author and international speaker with a passion for Open Source, Java (Quarkus), and Cloud Native Development & Deployment practices. He currently works as developer advocate at Red Hat where he gets to enjoy working with Open Source projects and improving the developer experience. He previously worked as a (Lead) Software Engineer at a variety of organizations across the world ranging from small startups to large enterprises and even government agencies. Kevin is actively involved in Open Source communities, contributing to projects such as Quarkus, Knative, Apache Camel, and Podman (Desktop); and as a member of the Belgian CNCF chapter as well as the Belgian Java User Group. Kevin speaks English, Dutch, French and Italian fluently and is currently based in Belgium, having lived in Italy and the USA as well. In his free time you can find Kevin somewhere in the wild hiking, gravel biking, snowboarding or packrafting.