Have you heard about Quarkus ? for sure you have, a new super fast, super light framework to develop cloud native and GraalVM compatible apps. But, is that easy to go the Quarkus way ? is it hard to migrate an existing app ? For sure in a hello world demo this will look fantastic ( they all look that way don’t they ? ) but, in a real app, is that nice ? is that easy ? is that fun ? In this session I will show my experience from scratch migrating an app to Quarkus, using different technologies as Hibernate, Prometheus, Rest, … and also how you can check your current app and see how easy is to migrate using a foss app to analyse it. Prepare for a journey of reality, failures, and experiences on the universe of Quarkus , at a ludicrous speed.

Talk Level:

Java Champion, Organiser at BarcelonaJUG and cofounder of the JBCNConf/DevBcn conference in Barcelona. I have worked as a (paid) developer since the first release of The Secret of Monkey Island, about 30 years ago. Former SE at Tetrate on Service Mesh and Istio on top of Kubernetes, SSE at Red Hat in Keycloak team, SSE at Ocado Technology, SSE at Netcentric. Very interested in simulated reality, psychology and Java along with management technologies. Speaker at conferences and meetups around the world : Conferences : * Oracle Code One San Francisco , DevNexus Atlanta, JFokus Sweden, Geekle.US, JConf Centro America, Dev.Conf.US, Dev.Conf.IN, JConf Mexico, JConf Peru, Japan CCC Meetups : * Barcelona, Madrid, VirtualJUG, MombaiJUG, SouJava Brasil, CharlotteJUG, Knox JUG, TiranaJUG, JUGNicaragua, DevNation, ManchesterJUG, BoliviaJUG, MalagaJUG, SwitzerlandJUG