Seems like microservices are everywhere these days. This hands-on lab explores what microservices mean within the relatively well-established context of SOA, when they make sense, and how to develop them with the Java EE programming model. It examines microservices step by step, using a simple but representative Java EE–based example. The lab starts with a vanilla Java EE monolithic application; breaks down the application into sensible Java EE–based microservices; and applies concepts such as fat JARs, dynamic discovery, and client-side fault tolerance and circuit breakers to the microservices, using Payara Micro or other MicroProfile runtimes. Finally, the microservices will be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster and in the cloud.

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I love to create (web) applications with the Java EE platform and MicroProfile implementations. I have spent the last 10 years implementing various projects in a team for customers, helped various Open Source projects (Apache Myfaces, PrimeFaces, DeltaSpike, MicroProfile, ...), and do support for Payara Server customers. I'm also already working 4 years around Web Application Security using OAuth2, OpenId Connect, and JWT.